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Membership Rules

Buyer Member

Procedure and documents required for obtaining membership of Siliguri Tea Auction Committee

1. Application form duly completed and signed by the applicant to include

  • Colour photograph of the applicant duly signed by the Director/Managing Director/Chairman after affixing rubber stamp.
  • Signature of proposer and seconder who should be registered member of STAC minimum of 05 (five) years. The proposer and seconder can be a member from any class.


  • Admission fee Rs.25,000/- & Membership Subscription of Rs.2,000/-, e.auction fee Rs.800/- will have to be paid by Cash/DD/Bank Pay Order for encashment on a Bank in Siliguri.
  • For renewal of cancelled membership, re-admission fee Rs.10,000/- alongwith all the outstanding dues from the date/year of cancellation calculated by STAC Secretariat.

3. Proof of Buyer’s Declaration Form duly completed and signed, having furnished to the Brokers alongwith Xerox copies of receipts given by the Brokers, to include:
Name(s) and Signature(s) of the Bidder(s) given in the Buyer’s Declaration Form with written authority in favour of the Bidder(s) signed by any one of the Partners/Proprietors/Directors as required in item No.9(b) of the Buyer’s Declaration Form.

4. Trade License from Siliguri Municipal Corporation.

5.The Form(s) having Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Trade License may apply to STAC provided they are the Auction Buyer Member of CTTA. (Apply with photocopy of Trade License with original and certificate from CTTA.

6. Original West Bengal Sales Tax Registration Certificate and Central Sales Tax Registration Certificate. (Original copy to be returned after verification and photo copy to be retained).

7. Copy of VAT Certificate duly attested by the Chairman/Director of the Company. If original VAT Certificate is not issued, a written certificate indicating VAT No duly signed by the authority concerned to be forwarded.


8. Photo copy of Tea Board License.


9. Photo copy of the proof of I.T. filed.


10. Photo copy of Income Tax Pan No.


11. Certificate from Postal authorities of the area where their office is situated to the effect that the location of their business premises has been notified to them and that ordinary and registered mail could be delivered to them.



  • Full address of the applicant with the name of the street/road/lane & House No allotted by  Municipal Corporation.
  • Full residential address of the Proprietor/Partner. If the applicant himself/herself is the proprietor, it is not required.

13. Full name of Proprietor/Partner/Directors with their full names of father/husband as applicable.


14. Certificate from the Bankers about their financial status.



  • In  case  of  Companies,   copies  of  Articles  &  Memorandum  of  Association  alongwith resolution  from  the  Board  of  Directors  authorizing  the  Company  to  seek membership of Siliguri Tea Auction Committee.
  • In case of Partnership firms, copies of the partnership deed.

16. The applicant may produce reference(s) from other auction Committee, in case he/she is a member of that Committee.


17. E - Auction registration form to be completed duly signed after affixing rubber stamp.



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